Delivery truck crash delays traffic at Kanan Dume and PCH

Officials respond after an Arrowhead delivery truck crashes on Kanan Dume and PCH. 

Traffic was delayed at Kanan Dume Road the Pacific Coast Highway after a runaway truck crashed into an arrester bed Wednesday morning, leaving debris on the road.

The driver of an Arrowhead water truck making local deliveries said he lost his brakes on a downhill grade about half a mile before the traffic light. He steered into the gravel arrester bed, sideswiping barrels along the bed so the truck came to rest at the crosswalk, according to Hans Laetz, who was near the scene.

The crash occurred at about 10:40 a.m. There were no injuries. The debris took several hours to clear and traffic was fully opened by 3:45 p.m., according to Lt. Mathers of the Malibu/Lost Hills station.

Laetz said there was some superficial damage to the truck, but it could be drive away from the scene if it had working brakes. About 35 percent of the barrels were shattered, leaving Styrofoam and dirt on the road. The truck blocked one lane.

City manager Jim Thorsen told Laetz that this was the first time the barrels had been used to stop a runaway vehicle.Â