Help youngsters get a start


It’s that time of year again. I would like to encourage all of my fellow generous Malibuites to contribute to a worthy cause they may never have heard about. This is an organization that is dedicated to breaking the cycle of violence and hopelessness that is felt by many youths who have never experienced a true home life.

Most of us, when we see rioting on TV like we saw last weekend in Detroit or at the music awards, feel a desire to help, but have no idea what we could do to effectuate a change. BOND (Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny) is an organization located in Los Angeles that is helping young men redirect their lives by overcoming their anger and accepting responsibility for their futures. BOND’s Home for Boys helps young men finish their education, learn a trade, or in some cases, start their own businesses. They would like to expand this program to help many other needy youths who have been discarded by the system but need money to do this. BOND is not some huge charity where the greater part of all donations is eaten up by fat salaries. This is a small, struggling group led by the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a conservative black minister. For more information, you can contact them by calling (323) 782-1980 or e-mailing to . If you want to contribute directly you can make out a check to BOND and send it to P.O. Box 35090, Los Angeles, CA 90035-0090.

Forrest Stewart