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    “Save Our Coast,” “Malibu Dolphin Watch,” and “Love is the Answer” ask you join us at our “Land and Sea” Oceans’ Conference Oct. 29 and 30 in Ojai and Malibu.

    Dr. D. Jay Grimes will be the keynote speaker and lead the panel that will include Steve Fleischli of the Baykeepers and others to be announced.

    Dr. Grimes is a world renowned marine microbiologist who is currently director of the Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Southern Mississippi. This will be the third Oceans’ Conference for Dr. Grimes here in Malibu. He has become a treasured friend to our coast and all the life therein.

    On Oct. 29, the conference will begin in Ojai at the beautiful gardens and pavilion of the International Center for Earth Concerns. John Taft, a determined visionary, has created and donated 276 acres of beauty to the center for environmental problem solving — by example! (And by teaching efforts.)

    The theme of the two-day event is: What we do on the land and how it impacts the coastal oceans.

    Our City Council will be asked to open the conference with a short (three minutes each) statement. The city of Malibu will again take part as it has in the past.

    We will succeed in establishing a cleaner and healthier coastal ocean. Our lives depend on it. It’s to our benefit, as well as those who call the sea their home. We will be part of the cure! This is our beautiful Blue Water Planet — let’s take care of it! Maybe, someday, we will all rejoice in it.

    Dr. Dan Hillman will be on a panel. He’s reprising his role on the First Oceans’ Conference held here in January 1989. And Dave Kagon who said he would participate. Doctors, scientists, lawyers plus a question and answer period from the community will be featured — a sort of “Scientific Town Hall.” It will be fun.

    Mary Frampton