Letter: The Democratic Way

Letter to the Editor

First off, let me make it clear that I am not overly political. I care about what goes on in our country and I certainly care what goes on in my neighborhood. I’ve been a resident of Malibu for about five years and, to me, there is no better place to live. We have an election coming up for new council members. I had the great pleasure of meeting one of those candidates. Jennifer deNicola came to my home to introduce herself. She asked me questions; I spoke of my concerns. We talked for quite some time. I liked her. I liked what she had to say. I liked her passion and her dedication. I allowed her to put out her election signs to let her know that I support her. A few days later, those signs disappeared. Was it an opposing candidate? A neighbor voting for someone else and didn’t want her name so openly displayed? I had a  Jennifer deNicola t-shirt left in my mailbox… that too was gone. I thought to myself, “Who does that?”

Look, I don’t know these other candidates — not one of them has come to my home to introduce themselves. I made a valid choice based on what I saw and heard. I don’t take much stock in reading about negative reviews opposing other candidates, and I don’t like when endorsements sign are taken off my property.   

Meryl Kern