Calling the state’s bluff


    Editors Note: This letter is in response to the following letter by Steven B. Treanor

    A survey says that taxpayers work the first three hours every day just to pay their taxes. The years have passed and my memory has become bewildered, but as I recall, from the various news articles and my personal involvement, Malibuites spent in 1981 over $1 million of their personal funds and volunteer labor to construct a six acre Malibu Bluffs Regional Park. In the first several years this local park was run and maintained by the Malibu community service clubs with no funds from any governmental organization.

    In 1989 the County of Los Angeles spent $2,500,000 of taxpayer money to rebuild the Malibu Bluffs Regional Park erecting a community building, parking lot, and groundskeepers building, concrete walkway, new access road, general usage athletic and picnic areas and water and sprinkler systems. The entire park and general usage facilities were structured for persons with disabilities. Handicap parking, bathrooms, picnic area, meeting rooms, and play areas are fabulous features of this regional park . The highlight of the park was the donation of a Dolphin and Whale watching station designed for the disabled by actor Pierce Brosnan in memory of his wife. This viewing stage area is the only one of its kind in the State of California.

    In 1999 the city of Malibu spent on the Malibu Bluffs Regional Park an additional $300,000 of Proposition “A” moneys, which in fact had cost the Malibu taxpayer a supplementary $4 million in a 20 year property tax bond and the City of Malibu an additional $238,000 from their general budget to complete the project. Bureaucrats are storytellers. I’m an algebra storyteller. I figure two good lies make a positive and the numbers look positive. Let us see, positive $1 million, plus positive $2,500,000 plus $238,000 in overruns equals, equals, equals, $5,038,000 of local taxpayer dollars to establish a six acre regional community park for the enjoyment of the whole West Los Angeles County area.

    Thus when the California State Parks Director Rusty Areias, whose department was at each and every dedication and rededication of the Bluffs Regional Park, writes the city of Malibu and expounds that it is time for the city of Malibu to take the initiative and select new sites for their recreation programs, I am bewildered. With its unique setting on Santa Monica Bay and the California Coast and special needs facilities for the disabled, Director Areias says that the Malibu Bluffs Regional Park must remain in the hands of State Parks and returned to a more natural state for the use of all Californians so his intent is to tear down and un-develop the entire locale with additional taxpayer money. Gone will be the Michael Landon Center, general recreational area, whale and dolphin watching station, parking, picnic areas and general use walking paths.

    I wonder if Rusty Areias’ memory of who employs him is as confused with age as mine is bewildered by his actions? On the other I could spend quality time with my grandchildren at the California Ano Nuevo State Reserve and watch the massive three-ton Northern elephant seals battle for mates and breed. Yea, right.

    Doug O’Brien