Letter: Safe Driving

Letter to the Editor

Many drivers head to the highways in the 14 weeks between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Due to the traffic congestion, it can be deadly—that depends on each driver. 

A drunk driver hit me when I was 16 in 1992 and I was severely injured. I never expected that to happen, but it did. My hearing, talking and walking were damaged. 

Ironically, drivers who use cell phones believe nothing will happen. They may find out differently and it may be the last thing they do. 

Safe roads begin with safe drivers: Make it a routine to turn off your phone or place it on silent when driving. Beeps or vibrations will tempt you to look. 

Keep it out of reach. Placing it in the glove compartment, back seat or trunk are a few recommendations. 

If you continue driving like this, it will become a habit. Driving with a cell phone will eventually seem unusual. 

Let’s say you want to find an easy route to Universal Studios Hollywood or know where your friend is located. Find a place to park your vehicle and find the information using your phone then.

Also, keep looking at the road with sober eyes. If drinking is done at any gathering you attend, please make sure a sober driver drives you. Those are the eyes all drivers should have. 

Please, do this each time you drive. You will not regret it.

Lori Martin