City Enacts Safety Measures for Valet Attendants

Malibu City Hall

Valet parking attendants working within the City of Malibu right-of-way — meaning public areas of the city — must wear high-visibility safety gear, such as reflective vests.

Malibu City Council approved the ordinance at its Monday, July 27 meeting.

“The ordinance applies to all valet services anywhere in the City, at restaurants as well as private events,” according to information provided by the City of Malibu.

“Valet attendants are out working on PCH while hundreds of vehicles are whizzing past with little room to spare, at high speed, often at night when visibility is already low,” Mayor Lou La Monte said in a statement provided by the city. “Highly reflective apparel will help keep the valets safer while they work, and help motorists avoid them. Our priority is to do everything we can to improve safety on PCH.” 

The ordinance is similar to those passed in neighboring Los Angeles and in Austin, Tex.