The Transcendental Meditation program is endorsed by the Veterans Administration for soldiers with PTSD and is highly effective for Domestic, Student and First Responder PTSD, as well


Please consider the following as a front page article on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder –

The Transcendental Meditation program has been endorsed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for over 20 years for soldiers with PTSD.

Kindly watch and share with all –

“PTSD and Transcendental Meditation – David George, Infantryman” (2:34; / excellent!)


“Transcendental Meditation Improves Performance at Military University” (5:12; )

Also see, “Use a Treatment for PTSD That Actually Works” in The Hill, Washington DC


“Transcendental Meditation May Reduce PTSD Symptoms, Medication in Active-Duty Personnel” in EurekAlert (01/11/16)


Bill @

P.S. Please visit for more information.

Note: Results are available for long-standing PTSD symptoms, as well, including for Vietnam Veterans.

Also, see the dramatic effects for Domestic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for women and children, and for PTSD for “First Responders”, at (5:24)

Also, from :

“Transcendental Meditation – a Path to Healing”

“Doctors promised him through medication and hard work he could potentially heal over the course of years, but since transcendental meditation he has moved much closer to achieving his recovery in months.”