At last, a glimmer of reason has appeared in the Malibu Times. This well written and cogent article has put the blame where it belongs, on the environmentalists and their political lackeys who have literally run unchecked throughout this state for decades. This started with the hysteria over nuclear power plants and Governor Moonbeam and his “less is more” mentality. The economic costs of their meddling through coercive, unreasonable and unrealistic laws, contradictory and costly regulations and lawsuits are finally coming into the consciousness of the public. The economic crisis that we are having now is painfully instructing people that there is a cost benefit ratio that has to be considered for not only environmental protection but also for the welfare of the citizens. This cost in the form of endless lawsuits, idiotic government regulations, bureaucratic stupidity, decreased productivity and wasted resources has not been counted until now. The steep rise in gasoline, natural gas and the concomitant costs in electricity is finally making a long overdue impression on citizens. It is long past time for the radicals to admit that people are important too.
It is also long past time that politicians admit their culpability in this travesty also.
The blockage by environmentalists and their political allies of new or expanded power plants, oil exploration, refineries and gas production has certainly not improved the economic situation and this summer the fruits of environmental radical policies and the politicians genuflecting to this special interest group will be borne by the ordinary citizen. The abject failure of our dimbulb governor to acknowledge the causes of the problem and actually do something constructive should be obvious by now to everyone including this newspaper.
The pathetic best that our governor can do is threaten producers with confiscation or propose unsound buyout proposals. As if that will make entrepreneurs and developers of power flock to this state to invest their money in power plants. Like a typical Democrat Davis believes that all you have to do is appear tough, threaten the big bad corporations, or pass a badly written and incredibly stupid law and these kinds of economic and modern necessities will magically appear, cheaply and to be had in abundance by all. For example, the light bulb police checking to make sure businesses have their lights out at certain times. Or worse yet, the politicians will threaten that the government will take over the entire system. Well, folks, if you think the DMV is bad wait until a similar bureaucracy starts managing power plants or the electrical grid system. So this summer when you are at home, in the dark, stuck in traffic due to no traffic lights or, even worse, stuck in an elevator when a blackout hits remember that it was the Democratic politicians and the econuts that got you there.
Charles T. Black
Libertarian Party