Save the steelhead


    I have enjoyed the articles written by your reporter Ann Salisbury.

    Over the last 50 years I have fished in the Malibu area. I have caught and released many steelhead in the creek. I’ve watched their numbers dwindle to almost zero due to poor water quality upstream, instream and downstream. It’s frightening. By the time decisions are made about what to do with the Rindge Dam, how to control the City of Malibu’s continuous pollution, and how to control the Tapia Water Treatment Plant, there won’t be any steelhead to save.

    Realtor Louis Busch claims the fish have never gone above the dam, but others show pictures of braces of steelhead that appear to have been caught way up near Cornell in the early 1900s. I don’t know who is right. But I do know that when I heard Mr. Busch say at a public meeting that he didn’t care about the fish, and why don’t we just buy them in the grocery store, it makes me cringe that such ignorance has anything to do with real estate.

    Keep writing those excellent articles Ms. Salisbury.

    Michael Hart