Letter: Protecting Malibu

Letter to the Editor

As a third generation Malibu resident and father of two, I am putting my full support behind Team Malibu — Skylar Peak, Jefferson Wagner and Rick Mullen. 

The questions for all Malibu residents are: What kind of Malibu do you envision for our kids and why did you move to Malibu in the first place? In speaking with scores of residents over the years, I have never heard anyone say they moved here for the shopping. One hundred percent of the people I have spoken to said they moved here for the natural beauty, the pristine coastline, unspoiled beaches and wonderful community. So my question is, if these are the reasons we moved here, then aren’t these the very same things that keep you here? 

When I grew up here, Malibu was a quaint small town. Obviously, that has changed radically. We are at saturation point. Do we need more commercial development? There is massive commercial vacancy as it stands. Furthermore, we became a city to stop LA County from shoving sewers down our throats. Now we have sewers in lower Malibu. How did that happen? Do we want an outside agency deciding for us that we now need sewers in Western Malibu, or do we want city council members who will fight for us and not wave the white flag so easily? I want council members who listen to the people who elected them. 

This election is not about who we are against, it’s about what we are for. It’s a mandate to decide the direction of our city. With Team Malibu, we have a trio of stewards with a lengthy record of standing up and protecting our city — not with words and slogans, but with deeds and hard work. 

People ask, “Why elect a slate to the council?” I think the answer is clear: To have a majority on the council dedicated to preserving the Malibu we love for future generations. We are at a tipping point now. Who decides our future? Developers and their lobbyists, or the citizens of Malibu?

Matt Rapf