Closed Grunion Season Hits Malibu

California Grunion

It’s California Grunion season in Malibu as the fish have begun spawning at amazing rates.

Between 1,600 and 3,600 eggs are made during one spawn, according to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Spawning occurs every year between March and August while peak spawning happens between late March and early June. Malibu currently is in the heart of closed season, which means these fish can be only be observed late at night.

Eggs are deposited when tides are at their highest point and incubated when tides are at their lowest point because the waves will not disturb the eggs. After 10 days, they hatch during the next high tide series when they are flooded by sea water and flustered by rising surf. 

To protect these fish, locals are encouraged to not harass them and avoid any vehicle traffic or grooming on beaches in the area below the wrack line (the high tide line where kelp is deposited on the sand) because eggs may be incubating a few inches below in the sand.

If Grunions are observed, the Grunion Greeters asks locals to report it on this survey.To learn more, visit