Farrah Fawcett Foundation Hopes to Install Public Art Piece in Malibu

Farrah Fawcett

The Farrah Fawcett Foundation is seeking permission from the Malibu Cultural Arts Commission (CAC) to install public art in memory of the late actress and Hollywood icon in Malibu.

According to Christine Romeo, Director of Communications for the Farrah Fawcett Foundation, their hope is to commemorate the five-year anniversary of Fawcett’s passing, June 25, with a collaboration between the Foundation and the CAC.

Fawcett, who passed away of cancer in 2009, founded the Farrah Fawcett Foundation to help fund cancer research, both for her benefit and the benefit of others.

The art installation, according to an agenda posted on the city’s website, may either be a sculpture of Farrah Fawcett or one of the sculptures made by her while she was enrolled as an art student at the University of Texas.

The issue of whether or not the CAC will accept the donation of a statue from the Foundation will be discussed at the commission’s upcoming meeting scheduled for Tues., Feb. 25. To read the report, visit here.

Christine Romeo, director of communications for the Farrah Fawcett Foundation, wrote in an email that the piece of public art in Malibu was one of several ideas considered by the foundation. If approved, the foundation would collaborate with the Malibu Arts Commission on an idea to commemorate Fawcett’s life and legacy. 

“In addition to cancer research and patient support, the Farrah Fawcett Foundation is committed to continuing the legacy of Ms. Fawcett and hope that she will always be remembered for not only her beauty and generosity, but also for her work as an artist as well,” Romeo said. 

The foundation collaborated with Stand Up 2 Cancer in donating $1 million to study HPV (Human Papillomavirus) and the related cancers it causes. 

The foundation recently teamed with skateboard company Dusters California to create a Farrah Fawcett board, which is available for purchase online and in specialty stores. The foundation benefits from the sale of the boards.

For more information, visit www.thefarrahfawcettfoundation.org. 

Editor’s note: This story has been updated from a previous version.