Woman killed in PCH accident identified


Second victim suffered minor injuries

Amelia Ordona, 74, was struck and killed by a vehicle as she was crossing Pacific Coast Highway to get to her bus stop early this morning. A companion, Amparo Pabalan, 67, suffered minor injuries, according to a press release from the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station. Several more vehicles struck Ordona after the impact of the first vehicle catapulted her into oncoming traffic. Some drivers may have kept going, unaware that they struck a person.

Both Ordona and Pabalan were listed by the station’s report as having addresses in the Westlake area of Los Angeles.

The two had just left their place of employment as caregivers to a Malibu resident on the north side of Pacific Coast Highway at 6:25 a.m. They were walking to their bus stop located on the south side of PCH at Paradise Cove. For unknown reasons they decided to cross the highway mid-block at Winding Way. A driver traveling west on PCH in a 2006 Honda Accord struck Ordona, who was killed on impact. The impact catapulted her into the eastbound lanes, where several more vehicles struck her. The driver of the Honda, according to the Sheriff’s report, did not see Ordona in the road because of the lighting, dark clothing she was wearing and the roadway conditions.

Pabalan was transported to Santa Monica Hospital. Her injuries were not considered serious.

The Malibu/Lost Hills Station is requesting anyone who witnessed the accident or unknowingly struck Ordona in the eastbound lanes to contact Traffic Investigator Barnard at 818.878.5559.

—Laura Tate