Letter: The ‘Mazza Machine’

Letter to the Editor

The “Malibu Team” a.k.a. “The Mazza Machine” (Skylar Peak, Rick Mullen and Jefferson Wagner) say the past councils have been pro-development. Really? The past city council stopped development of the Chili Cook-Off where a huge shopping center was going to be built and instead gave us a park, which Wagner voted against.

Now Wagner brags he is the force behind “Stop the Swap,” meaning he would rather turn control of Malibu Bluffs Park over to Joe Edminson, who wants to put 39 campsites at Malibu Bluffs Park. Has he asked what the residents feel about that? 

And let’s not forget Peak wanted to plunk down a skateboard park at Trancas with no thought given to what the surrounding residents want. Campsites on Malibu Bluffs Parks? Skateboard parks and dirt bike racing BMX paths in Trancas? Someone better wake up and start doing their homework.

If you vote for these three, all debate ends and we get John Mazza making the decisions. 

Doug O’Brien