Guest Column: A Call to City Hall

Ann Salisbury Doneen will replace Jean T. Goodman as president of the Malibu Democratic Club.

We are concerned — and believe you should be, too — about the mounting frustration in Malibu and about the City Council’s disregard for the opinions of large numbers of Malibu residents who appear at council meetings to testify before them on local issues. People are clearly upset, particularly over several city actions during recent months. These include the City Council approval of an Environmental Impact Report stating that Malibu’s traffic volume has not increased, but actually decreased, since the early ‘90s. The entire hearing on this — played out in City Hall chambers and behind the scenes as well — seemed to exemplify some of the exact behaviors that have exasperated and angered involved citizens for years. Especially upset are the slow-growth advocates and engaged citizens who believe that council members do not shoulder the responsibility of making informed opinions, but instead, you abdicate it to biased sources. Then, you don’t provide sufficient objective oversight to ensure the job will be fairly carried out. “A traffic report that claims traffic is decreasing?” they ask. “And, it’s taken seriously? When there’s overwhelming evidence to the contrary? Do you think we’re not watching?”

Second, and most egregious, was the hiring of Chris Deleau as a new planning manager. For 12 years, Deleau has been a legal counsel and a top member of Schmitz and Associates, one of Malibu’s most aggressive pro-development facilitators. Deleau has been involved in the controversial La Paz Ranch Civic Center project and many others. If nothing more, hiring him has the overt appearance of a conflict of interest. But no matter what a court might rule, the hiring was disrespectful toward the many Malibu residents who do not want more shopping developments in the Civic Center. 

As you recall, the slow-growth initiative Measure R, passed with an overwhelming 60 percent of the vote last November. “An intentional slap in the face” is what one environmentalist called it. A move that demonstrated little sensitivity to growing community concerns, and that telegraphed an undeniably obvious message to constituents as it called up the city’s pro-development prejudices. Sadly, those prejudices were evidenced in a video clip — now gone very viral — of Council Member Lou La Monte summarizing his reasons for supporting the Whole Foods Traffic Study. La Monte declared he was more interested in hurrying to develop the Civic Center than in following the letter of the law, which, he implied, was debatable. “The point that we’re trying to make here, the Traffic Study — that it’s gonna need more time, it’s gonna delay it — I don’t care what the law actually says. What it really means to me is that we couldn’t actually refuse this project entirely,” said La Monte. “All we could do is delay it.” This, from a registered Democrat.

And so, council members, with alienation multiplying by the moment, the Malibu Democratic Club Executive Board is asking you to reconsider your recent actions. Please honor the opinions of your residents and put them ahead of special interests. Do what is necessary to recapture the respect of the electorate. We realize that there is public time prior to each council meeting where members of the public may address council on any matter, and that hearings are designed to solicit opinions from the public. But, frankly, we are past that.

When development or land use is the issue, people do not believe you are listening. There is only so much stress that an engaged community can bear. True communication is important right now, and we want to alert you to the feelings bouncing around the Internet. When voters feel ignored and ridiculed, what is the next step? We therefore would like to help by sponsoring a public forum chaired by a mutually respected, neutral moderator at a location outside City Hall, where residents will be comfortable raising respectful questions. We believe the Brown Act should not be an issue but, if you disagree, we would therefore invite Council Members Laura Rosenthal and La Monte. We’ll set a date upon receipt of your reply. 

The Malibu Democratic Club submitted the above letter to City Council. The Malibu Times invites those with opposing views and other ideas to submit commentary to