Letter: Positive Candidates

Letter to the Editor

I would like to thank and congratulate each of the six candidates who appeared at the Candidates Forum tonight. I have owned a home in Paradise Cove since 2007 and have lived here full time for the last four years, so I have heard about the “silly season” in Malibu politics and the different tribes warring with one another. To my delight and surprise, I found each and every candidate to be articulate and thoughtful. There was not one rude or impolite remark made by the candidates or the attendees in a full council chamber. What a breath of fresh air compared to the horrible, depressing and mean-spirited presidential campaign we are living through. Candidates, thank you for running and giving your time for Malibu — keep taking the high road. I feel much better about the future of Malibu after attending the forum tonight.

Jeff Dritley