Planetary themes for the month of August

T.S. Phillips, A.A.S., Inc.


Family and domestic matters are the main focus for you this month. You can also become more inspired to express your creativity and entrepreneurial side. After the 16th, some relationship and family issues may come to the surface to examine. Keep the peace and balance with others. After the 27th, you can feel renewed. A positive shift begins to occur again. 


You have a fertile and creative imagination especially through the 7th. Express those ideas of yours! There are financial or business opportunities through the 15th. After the 16th, there could be some disagreements with siblings or other family members. Try to compromise and see their point of view. You could also be feeling bored and ready to break free from the usual daily routine. 


Focus is on earnings and security issues during the first week of August. On August 8th, good news for you! Your planetary ruler, Mercury, leaves the sign of Cancer since May 31st and enters Leo. It’s time to come out of your shell more and join the party! Your strength and magnetism rise through the 23rd. After the 16th, some dissatisfaction in your love life may prompt you to take action to make things better. 


You are at home and in tune with your needs and the needs of others. You continue to have heightened intuition this month. Listen to it. You are in the flow to attract the finer things in life during the first half of the month. After the 16th, keep your emotions and moods in check. Some personal relationships may require you to examine your own vulnerabilities. The air will begin to clear after the 27th. 


Your reclusive side can take on more importance. Good period for more inner exploration and introspection. After the 8th, let your voice be heard. Your playful and fun nature comes out more. After the 16th, some emotional issues brewing underneath the surface may come up. Let out the steam slowly. On August 27th, Mars enters your sign. You are ready for more action in your life and to move forward with your plans. 


Your social life takes on more importance. There are opportunities for money-making and for expressing more love in your life during the first half of the month. Your playful and creative side is also highlighted until the 23rd when your planetary ruler Mercury enters Virgo. After this date, as Mercury conjuncts the Sun in your sign, you can become more work and less play again. 


You’re in the mood for getting the job done and may be spending more time behind the scenes. After the 8th, your creative, fun, and social side comes out more. On the 16th, your planetary ruler Venus enters your sign. You feel more at home with yourself but there are some personal tensions and dissatisfaction in the outer realm that spur you to make some changes in your private life. 


You are “in the flow” of new opportunities and more fulfillment this month through the 27th. After the 8th, avoid getting into mental roadblocks. Be more flexible with your ideas and views. After the 16th, you may become more reclusive and feel like expressing your artistic side. There may also be some emotional turmoil underneath the surface you need to express to clear the air. 


There is more of an emotional heaviness or serious outlook that could be weighing on your normally optimistic self through the 7th. This is positive in some ways as it gives you a reality check and clearer visions of your goals. After the 7th, your mental outlook changes more positively and you feel like more adventure. After the 16th, your social life can take on more importance, but be more discriminating with the company you choose. 


The focus is more on family and personal relationships this month through the 27th. After the 8th, your playful and creative side comes out more. Money and business opportunities are looking at you through the 15th. During the second half of August, be more cautious or conservative with finances. It could be an “E ticket” ride in some of your personal relationships. 


You may continue to be out of your comfort zone and in the “emotional realm” through the 27th. Focus is on your daily routine and getting things done. Personal relationships can take on more importance after the 8th. Others may demand more of your attention. After the 16th, you become more of a magnet of attraction but may also lose interest before the end of the month. 


Opportunities for more love or romance and emotional fulfillment in your life remain strong this month through the 27th. After the 8th, your work and serving others can take on more importance. After the 16th, a relationship may cause you to dig deeper into unknown territory and the emotional realm. Play it safer with finances. There may be some financial fluctuations with your earnings or unexpected expenditures.