Letter: Art appreciation


Recently, I had the opportunity to be present when the new director of the “Malibu Playhouse” met with the founder of the “Malibu Stage Company” at her home to go over past presentations and pick up a mountain of individual file boxes containing releases, posters, awards and professional reviews for every production. The experience was uplifting and it appeared that the new director was sincere in his appreciation of the work of the founder, which included funding many of the productions from her own pocket in addition to handling all the press, fundraising and marketing. It took a good 15 minutes to load all the materials into the new director’s car. All seem pleased and appreciation was expressed on all sides for the long and winding road that Malibu Stage has had to follow. But if you read the recent interview in The Malibu Times with the new director there was none of this. [“Malibu Stage Co. names new director, changes name,” published March 7]

Here in Malibu, no one seems to have a clue as to what has really transpired with the tiny island of art, the Malibu Stage Company, where my colleague and I were flies on the wall for two decades videotaping many of the productions, as well as observers of disagreements, altercations, revelations and disrespect.

I’m sorry Malibu Times, that you have fallen into the same trap as most of the other newspapers and TV shows in the country today. Never mind the origins and evolution of wars and economic disasters! The past doesn’t count anymore, even though the past is what brings on the present.

Likewise, never mind the “history,” the pure weight and bulk of the boxes that reflected great effort and sums of money that were loaded into the new director’s car two weeks ago. Let’s just talk about now and get on with the next now.

Even minimal reflection upon the past, how boring! We used to give credit where credit was due.

Jim Burroughs