Letter: Randall Can Do It

Letter to the Editor

I am asking for your support for Carl Randall for City Council. I have known Randall and his family for 30 years; in fact his father is the one that got me involved in Malibu civic activities when we fought the county on the massive sewer project in the ‘80s. 

Carl was born here in Malibu and he and his family — wife Shelley and daughter Callie — live on the very beach he was raised. Like her father, Callie recently graduated from Webster Elementary School and attends Malibu High School.

Randall is a longtime advocate for local control of our public schools, an AMPS member, serves on the Facilities District Advisory Committee for the School Board and has been very active in youth activities.

Over the years Randall and I discussed Malibu issues many times during family gatherings, and he became a good sounding board for me on city issues after I became a council member. As a result of his insight and local knowledge, I felt it was important to find an official role for him in Malibu and appointed him to the Parks and Rec Commission, where he has served for seven years and been an outstanding chairman for the past three years. His performance in that role convinced me even more that his thoughtfulness and understanding of Malibu issues would serve the city well on the council.

Randall clearly believes in community involvement, demonstrated by his Parks and Rec tenure, reaching out to citizens and convening numerous groups to get input for plans for Malibu Bluffs Park and other future parks. He also recognizes that Malibu does not exist in a vacuum; that we have to reach out to and work with outside agencies and other communities to be heard at the state and county. 

Randall is exactly the kind of devoted Malibuite that we need on the council to ensure that we continue to have the kind of city we all love.

John Sibert

Councilmember and twice mayor