Letter: Whale Protections Needed

Humpback Whale

In response to “Sea Shepherd Guards Our Oceans,” by Dr. Reese Halter, Nov. 8: I agree with the author’s opinion that the Sea Shepherd fleet has had positive impact in the protection of whales in the Southern Ocean against Japan. In my opinion, all whaling in this area needs to be banned, including if it is done for scientific research.

The scientific findings presented by Japan are not enough to rationalize the harmful effect this practice has had on the species. Yes, Japan has made advancements in the knowledge of whale blubber but it is not enough. Since the ban on the practice of commercial whaling was put into effect, over 30,000 whales have been killed. The overall species of whales is being dramatically affected by this and further action needs to be taken immediately. The IWC needs to do the right thing and ban all whaling in the Southern Ocean.

Nate Megginson