“I thought I was prepared but we live in a three-level condo, there’s a lot of stairs and the baby’s on the other side of the house...We don’t have a kit or anything, so we’re really not prepared, not at all. We do have all our furniture strapped to the wall just in case, so we’re prepared in that sense but as far as supplies or anything like that, we just have flashlights and that’s pretty much it.”
Monday’s 4.4 earthquake might have been a wake-up call for many locals. The Malibu Times asked how people prepare (or don’t prepare) for big earthquakes. See their answers at left.
“Honestly, I have not been prepared for an earthquake. This would have been my first major shake, but this is going to make me look it up and prepare now, honestly!”
“We are not prepared for an earthquake because we don’t live here, we’re just visiting from Calgary, Canada. The earthquake was a bit of a shock, my wife didn’t feel it but I did. I’m just happy there wasn’t a bigger one that came after the first little one.”
“I’m not from Southern California, so I’ve never experienced an earthquake before, and honestly, just learned this morning what you should do. The only thing I really know to do is go stand in the door frame or hide under a table if things are falling. So I haven’t prepared for an earthquake yet.”
“I was driving when this earthquake hit, but it didn’t make me think I need to prepare. We both go to Pepperdine, being in college, I don’t think we always think we have to think those things through because I feel like at college people think the University does that for you. The dorms are safe enough to live in through an earthquake or something like that, I don’t know.”
“The material I have at home, a propane turn-off wrench, water supply for a week and MRE, (Meals Ready to Eat), you buy them at REI. You need to turn your propane off in case something broke in the house, you turn off the propane and then there’s nothing to worry about. That’s about it. And common sense”