26 Arrests Made at DUI Checkpoint, Zero for DUI

An LASD deputy questions a driver at a DUI checkpoint in 2013.

LA County Sheriff’s authorities made 26 arrests for various offenses at a DUI and driver’s license checkpoint in Malibu on Saturday night, though no drivers were arrested on suspicion for driving under the influence.

The checkpoint was set up on westbound Pacific Coast Highway at Carbon Canyon Road, where 14 unlicensed drivers were arrested and sent to court, one was arrested for a felony warrant and four were arrested for possession of an open alcohol container. 

The goal of the DUI/DL Checkpoint was removing impaired drivers and to bring awareness to the public of the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol,” according to LA County Sheriff’s officials.

Approximately 1,363 vehicles passed through the checkpoint and 1,361 drivers were checked.

Here’s a full list of Saturday’s statistics:

1,363 vehicles through the checkpoint

1,361 drivers checked

1 driver arrested for felony warrant

4 drivers arrested for possession of open container

2 suspended/revoked drivers arrested and sent to court

14 unlicensed drivers arrested and sent to court

5 Drivers cited for not having their license in possession and sent to court

2 vehicles impounded for 30 days

2 vehicles stored for 1 day

8 drivers given field sobriety tests