Choosing the right road


    Malibu is at a major crossroads again which will determine the future quality of life in our city. Malibu owns no land for future quality of life amenities. That is what the Malibu Parks and Land Bond (K) is about. It will be the most important choice we will make since cityhood.

    The crossroads issue we face is as follows: Do we raise from our own pockets the money to seek and buy land, and get matching grants? This money is to be used for three purposes: Recreation (that includes parks and ballfields), community centers (that includes seniors) and open space (that is the reason most of us moved here.)

    Or do we just sit back and take whatever crumbs we can get from the development table in exchange for mitigation that allows even denser development?

    Here’s the situation. Malibu owns no vacant land. There is very little level land left in Malibu. This is our last chance to buy land parcels many of which are already in the commercial planning stage. I repeat, this is our last chance. If this bond fails, the issue has been decided.

    Will this bond money buy all the land we want. Obviously not! What it will do is allow us to identify willing sellers. Willing sellers don’t want to talk much until they see the color of our money. It will allow us to apply for matching grants from grantors and government when they see citizens who care enough they are willing to contribute from their own resources.

    When you go to the polls to vote, remember we don’t have land for the kind of amenities that make a quality city. This is our last chance.

    Measure K is quality of life for kids today, kids tomorrow, and the kids in all of us.

    Georgianna McBurney