Expression of sorrow


    On behalf of the Optimist Club of Malibu I would like to extend my thanks to all of the Malibu citizens who have made our success in supporting the youth of our community possible. As many of you know our main focus is on support of local causes.

    The Board of Directors of the Club, in expression of our sorrow for the nation’s loss in New York and Washington, D.C., in an emergency meeting voted to donate $1000 to the Salvation Army to support its direct work for the citizens of those communities. In light of the magnitude of the tragedy we felt it appropriate to make this somewhat out of character donation to a national cause.

    We join with all other citizens of this community, I am sure, in expressing our condolences to the families and friends of all those affected by this national catastrophe. Again, our thanks to the members of this community who made this donation possible.

    Bill Sampson