The Face of Malibu by Johanna Spinks

Christine Hameline

See if you can follow along. Christine Hameline is the 2014 chairperson for the Malibu Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, the Managing Associate of RE/MAX ELITE in Malibu, the Chairman for the RE/MAX Executive Board at Children’s Hospital and the Chairman of the Malibu International Sister City Foundation. She volunteers on the Malibu Association of REALTORS Education Committee, has founded an organization called The Awareness Program under RE/MAX Elite’s Corporate Social Responsibility division, has been recognized nationally for her leadership as the President of UNICEF at University of Southern California, served as Chairman and Founder of the Benefit Concert series “Voice of a Child,” founded a number of co-organizations…and she’s not even 30 years old yet.

The Malibu Times got a chance to sit down with the woman who earned a Double BA in International Relations and Art History from the University of Southern California, studied Romanticism and Impressionism at Cambridge University, England and French at the Université de Bourgogne, France, but decided to come back to Malibu to build her business where her heart is.

How did you get involved with the chamber and what are your goals for this year?

I am truly honored to lead our Chamber. I first started with the Young Professionals and then got involved in business development and enjoyed it so much I just kept coming back for more! The Chamber has always been such a support to me as an entrepreneur and local business owner so it is very special to me to be able to give back in this way. My goal is to encourage our Malibu business community to plugin to our chamber and discover the power of our synergy through a focus on collaboration, education, and innovation. 

You specialize in Malibu luxury beach homes and Malibu residential and commercial real estate properties as the managing associate of RE/MAX ELITE in Malibu. When and why did you get into real estate?

I represent the second generation of a family-built real estate company. I grew up in an environment that inspired me to be a leader in the Real Estate Industry. In 2010, we opened our doors at RE/MAX ELITE in Malibu on Carbon Beach. I welcomed the opportunity to build a company with a client-centric philosophy and a culture that embraces work/life balance, relationships, loving what you do, education, and being part of something bigger that makes a 

difference in our community.  

You have a fascinating background and have accomplished a lot for such a young age. What motivates you? 

I guess I just love life and want to live it to the fullest. To me, that means always learning and connecting to my community.  I am motivated by the desire to live a meaningful life and I wake up every morning thankful, happy, and curious. 

What message do you have for all the young people in Malibu?

Participate! We are so fortunate to live in the best place on earth! Get involved. We can take an active role in shaping the future of Malibu. Let’s work together to protect it, nurture it, and help it grow with integrity. 

What are some of your hobbies? 

When I’m not making Real Estate dreams come true I’m probably at Yoga! I have a deep appreciation for music and the arts so I make sure to get my fill.  And I love to travel, especially the kind of travel that involves some sort of adventure and learning about new cultures. 

What is your favorite thing about Malibu?

How do you choose between our majestic beauty, beaches, mountains, vineyards, restaurants, equestrian… I’d have to say though that my favorite thing about Malibu is the people. Our community is what makes our town so great!  

How was it having your portrait painted by Johanna Spinks?

Wonderful! What a great experience. I have a degree in Art History so it was really fun to pick her brain as an artist and learn about her art and life. She is lovely. I can’t wait to see the whole series!

Johanna Spinks paints portrait by commission. Visit or call 310.384.7029.