Letter: Benefits Of SMO

Letter to the Editor

There is a group of residents in Santa Monica that live near the Santa Monica Airport (SMO) and they want it closed. While the City of Santa Monica has attempted to close the airport before and been unsuccessful, there are two ballot measures that come up in November. The first one is a measure that would put the fate of the airport up for a vote by residents. The second is a measure by the City Council that would leave it at their discretion. Fifteen thousand residents signed the petition to put it to a vote of the people. Seven City Council members want to control what happens to the airport. 

Having lived in Topanga and gone through many brushfires up there, I am aware of the importance of the airport for Topanga, Malibu and Pacific Palisades residents. It is where they refuel the water dropping helicopters and Super Scoopers. The argument by many of the homeowners near the airport is that these emergency vehicles could land at Van Nuys and do the same thing. There is only a couple of miles difference between going to Van Nuys or SMO, but Van Nuys is far busier and time in a disaster is crucial. 

It is important that the residents of Topanga, Malibu and Pacific Palisades make their voices heard in this matter even though they cannot vote. SMO serves the public and not just Santa Monica. In the event of other disasters such as earthquake, it is our only link for emergency supplies. It is also important to your communities when brushfires are involved. What stands to be gained by the people who want to close SMO is 25% increase in their property value. If SMO is valuable to your community, let these people know. 

FAA Local Office: Dave Cushing 310.725.3644 

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association: 800.872.2672 

National Business Aviation Association: Debi Carpenter 760.390.7386 or email debic@socalaviation.org 

Val StreitÂ