National “Click it or Ticket” campaign underway

2013 NHTSA Click it or Ticket Campaign

To support the 2013 national “Click It or Ticket” seat belt law campaign, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is on high alert for motorists not wearing seat belts, according to a press release.

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently released statistics showing that in 2011, 52 percent of the 21,253 passengers killed in traffic collisions were not wearing their seat belts at the time of the crash. The NHTSA also said statistics show the risk of being involved in a serious traffic collision is greater at night than during the day. In 2011, 62 percent of motorists killed in night collisions were unrestrained.

“Seat belts save thousands of lives every year, but far too many motorists are still not buckling up, especially at night when the risk of getting in a crash is even greater,” said Christopher J. Murphy, Director of the California Office of Traffic Safety.

The national “Click It or Ticket” campaign runs from May 20 through June 2, however officers will enforce the seat belt laws year-round.

For further in formation on the Click or Ticket campaign, visit