After last year’s super successful exhibit Pompeii, you’d think the California Science Center would be hard pressed to top itself, but it did with another fascinating look back at the past. To kick things off, the institution hosted its annual Discovery Ball.
The numbers are in and it turns out that the mesmerizing showcase of the Dead Sea Scrolls proved the Center’s most successful fundraiser yet.
Eight hundred black tie and well-heeled guests arrived at the annual Discovery Ball, which went all out and raised a whopping $1.5 million!
Guests enjoyed a lavish cocktail party in an unusual setting, reminiscent of the caves of Qumran where the ancient scrolls were discovered.
Science buffs got a sneak peak of more than 600 artifacts from the exhibition, including jewelry, pottery and, at the center of it all, the scrolls themselves. In cooperation with the Israel Antiquities Authority, the Center presents the largest Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition ever mounted outside of Israel. This special journey back in time explores the science and significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls, manuscripts written and hidden in caves 2,000 years ago and not discovered until 1947.
The exhibition also features sections from 10 of the Dead Sea Scrolls, most of which have never been seen before in the U.S. They include parts of the oldest known copies of the Old Testament. Through multimedia exhibits, guests will explore the science and technology used to date these ancient manuscripts, decipher them and preserve them for future generations.
After a fascinating look at the objects on display, Malibu locals like Bill Chadwick and Barry Glaser sauntered through the “Passage to Jerusalem.” Bill recently celebrated with some fanfare of his own at the grand opening of Malibu Living in Point Dume. Think of it as a way to learn the art of how we live now rather than as we did eons ago.
At the CSC’s blast to the past bash, Bill, Barry and a host of pals enjoyed Mediterranean and Middle Eastern treats as they were entertained by a procession of traditional dancers. The ensemble was meant to represent the Islamic, Christian and Jewish faiths. They tucked into a first-class feast while ABC’s Phillip Palmer presided over a live auction.
He was cheered on by many VIPS, including actor Edward James Olmos, Lynda Oschin, State Senator Robert Hertzberg, Los Angeles County Supervisor Tom LaBonge and former Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky.
Another highlight of the evening was a private IMAX screening of the film “Jerusalem 3D.” Through breathtaking aerial footage, eye-opening personal stories and remarkable historical perspective, “Jerusalem” takes viewers inside the heart of the ancient city in ways never seen before.
Year after year, the Discovery Ball is a definite delight and wonderful way to mix learning, food and fun.
The Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit is on view now at the California Science Center and is sure to be a crowd-pleaser for the whole family.