Peering at beauty


I took a photo of the Malibu Pier recently and sat reflecting on the article in Malibu Times Magazine, “Malibu Colony sees its best days.” I definitely agreed with that title. I looked way out into the northwestern sky and caught some sparkling flashes twinkling around the pillars of the pier.

Only six days later Malibu Colony was on fire! A salute to the colony’s residents and a “for he’s a jolly good fellow” to the responding firemen who controlled that fire and saved all but four homes! May we never take anything for granted that we already have and may we appreciate that beautiful sky when the sun goes down each day, showing us those colors that make us feel good to be alive. May we never forget what could have been destroyed as we gaze reflectively at our Malibu Pier.

Conijean Kushion-Nadler