Letter: Take Action

Letter to the Editor

Because our underground water reservoirs are soon going to collapse, it is vital that it rains again. Weather Modification LLC of North Dakota and Texas Weather Modification Association are both able to create rain. The first company is already contracted to four projects in the Central Valley of California. The reach of the rain is approximately 15 miles. One company in Southern France, Oliver’s Travel, is promising to create your perfect wedding with no rain. The cost is, I believe, about $150,000. For every dollar invested by a state to make rain — seeding the clouds with chemicals — $38 reportedly comes back.

A week ago, the U.S. House of Representatives incredibly passed a law that makes it illegal to mark food products that are genetically modified. Some say that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) foods are poisonous. Residents from all walks of life in Malibu came together to save the beautiful old Sycamore trees; it is a testament to how much the population can do when seeing a need to act. Mark Zuckerberg, the brilliant young billionaire, reportedly has been working to obtain work visas for highly educated Chinese tech people to replace — at half the salary — high-tech educated Americans.

We live in an increasingly upside down world. What to do? Every one of us — no matter the issue — must get involved. Right now, we are not participating enough.

Finally, wise liberal thinker Ralph Nader stated the other day that he did not agree with many of Trump’s positions, but that it was very important to have a “billionaire” that was not beholden to the donor class in the presidential race and thereby would be able to finally blow up the current system of “pay to play.”

Morten Wengler