High surf and potentially hazardous waters in Malibu

Roxanne McCann captured this view from a Las Flores Beach living room just before the 9:02 a.m. high tide last Saturday as a wave during a “king tide” is broken by a protective bulkhead. Although the surf appeared ominous, no damage was done.  To submit your Best Shot, send a high resolution (300 dpi) jpeg photo by email to knowles@malibutimes.com, along with information indicating where and when the photo was taken, what the subject is and the photographer’s name. Please indicate in the email subject line: Best Shot submission.

A string of recent weather warnings continues as county officials are cautioning beachgoers to stay away from waters close to discharging storm drains, rivers and creeks.

Rainfall this week could potentially contaminate public beaches through those discharge points.

“Bacteria, debris, trash and other public health hazards from city streets and mountain areas are likely to enter ocean waters though these outlets,” according to a statement from Los Angeles County Officials.

Meanwhile, the National Weather Service also issued a high surf advisory for Los Angeles County beaches, including Malibu. The advisory expires late Thursday night.

The warning of potentially dirty water for recreational beachgoers is effective until Sat., Dec. 29 but could be extended depending on rainfall.

Despite projected rainfall earlier this week, Malibu’s Thursday forecast shows dry weather and temperatures in the high 50s and low 60s.

For more information, visit weather.gov.