City of Malibu Invites Community Members to Review Homelessness Strategic Plan

Volunteers serve a picnic lunch to those attending a Malibu Homeless Connect Day in 2017.

A community meeting, hosted by the Malibu Homelessness Strategic Plan Community Advisory Group and local representatives, is being held to review the city’s Strategic Plan on Homelessness at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 24, at City Hall. 

According to information shared by the City of Malibu, the plan, a culmination of community input from questionnaires and surveys as well as three planning workshops, is designed to “ … balance the need to protect public safety while addressing the humanitarian and long-term needs of homeless individuals.” 

A number of groups—including the City of Malibu, residents, Lost Hills/Malibu Sheriff’s Station, multiple faith organizations, Malibu Community Action Resource Team, The People Concern, Malibu Homeless Outreach Team, Standing on Stone and St. Joseph’s Center—are represented on the advisory group. A consultant was hired to help finalize the draft.

Malibu was one of 47 cities to receive a planning grant (ranging from $30,000-$70,000) from the LA County Board of Supervisors’ Homeless Initiative, based on “localized blueprints” for how each city would work with its contractors to confront rising homelessness. The city received $50,000 to develop its strategic plan.

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