Hast la vista Malibu


I read your article about load pipes in Malibu. I agree with people wanting some noise control.

Maybe some warning tickets or road signs that warn riders not to gun their pipes would be fair.

But as of last week, cops are giving out tickets to everyone without regard or control as to what is loud. They were like a vulture waiting for us to drive back down the hill to get us out of their city.

Bad rap. The cop’s ears were the judge and jury, it is too much hassle to fight this in court and waste taxpayers’ dollars.

The word is spreading that Malibu is off limits for Harley Davidson bikers, I’m sure you’ll be happy.

This was a part of the glamour that made So Cal Hollywood L.A. etc. We thought we were free to enjoy. We were the envy of the biker world riding up PCH. Now it is another bad rap for bikers, and the businesses that cater to us like the Rock Store. The good old American way is getting away with all these new rules. I’m not changing my pipes, I will take my business somewhere else. I will ride where people still enjoy the sound of the last few things that are 100 percent American. Maybe you Malibu residents will enjoy the Japanese bikes that fly down at 100 miles an hour putting everyone’s lives in danger, the road won’t be as busy and they will try doing it faster, maybe at 120 miles.

I’ll keep my load pipes. I know they don’t kill. Maybe the cops will try to catch the Japanese bikes some day. I saw the cops write us tickets for stock pipes, I was there and four out of five of us got tickets. (No warning no excuses.) Mr. Torres: “Just please be quiet as you go through our canyons and streets.” Your canyons? I thought we the people own the canyons. Your streets I agree.

This is my opinion.

Malibu is not cool any more…..

Hasta la vista Malibu.

Hugo Rivas