Representing reality


It is with interest and much disappointment that I read your article “Moms & Dads of Malibu” in the latest issue of your magazine. Why was there no representation from people of color? Are we not part of the Malibu scene and therefore our opinions do not count? Many of us have lived in Malibu for a long time and share the same philosophies as those represented but we were never asked. My husband of almost 30 years has lived in Malibu since 1986, we have two wonderful children who graduated from Malibu High. My son, Prakash, 23, works for Google and my daughter, Sashee, 19 currently attends the UC-Irvine but will be attending the London School of Economics in the fall.

In the future I hope your otherwise fine magazine will not overlook more than half the world’s populations in doing articles like this. Diversity is what makes this country great and what America is all about. It is high time that the people of Malibu realize this reality.

Mae Chandran