Other City Council news


The City Council Monday also took the following action:

  • Reported it will appeal the decision of The Kissel Company v. The city of Malibu, in which the Superior Court voided the city’s denial of a rent increase to Paradise Cove mobilehome park owner Kissel.
  • Reported it will continue to pursue action against the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy over the use of the Streisand Center on Ramirez Canyon Road for weddings, fund-raisers and business retreats.
  • Reported it has authorized a defense of the city’s campaign finance ordinance. Last month, Malibu political activist Remy O’Neill threatened to seek an injunction barring enforcement of the campaign contribution limit of $100 per candidate. O’Neill’s attorney, Bradley Hertz, told the Council Monday that, in a Dec. 16 letter to Interim City Attorney Richard Terzian, he drafted a new ordinance allowing up to $500 per candidate per election, and he would “work with the council” before deciding whether to file suit.
  • Reported it has authorized a lawsuit against the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for a prior contract regarding Birdview Avenue property.
  • Heard from Councilman Tom Hasse that he has appointed Hans Laetz to the Telecommunications Commission, to replace Nidia Birenbaum, and Patti Lee to the Mobilehome Park Rent Stabilization Commission.
  • Heard recommendations from former City Councilman Jeffrey Kramer of the City Attorney Selection Screening Committee. The committee recommended interviewing:

Steve Amerikaner, of the Santa Barbara firm Hatch & Ban;

Edward Lee and Charles Vose of the Los Angeles firm Oliver, Vose, Sandifer, Murphy & Lee, which represents the city of Calabasas;

J. Roger Myers of the Ventura firm Myers, Widders, Gibson & Long;

Steven Skolnik, a sole practitioner in Santa Monica; and

Michele Vadon of the Los Angeles firm Burke, Williams & Sorenson.