Malibu’s George Washington Keller


    Once more you manipulate the facts to support your self-serving point of view.

    I realize as an editor you need not tell the truth but it would serve this community if you would at least try to sort facts from fiction. I dare you to print this letter without changing it as you often do.

    I’m sure we disagree on the quality of the City Attorney’s service and perhaps no one is truly objective. If the November evaluation of the City Attorney by the City Council was favorable, then all further actions would be superfluous. If not, it would seem to be fair to re-evaluate her so that she would know the problems.

    As to the evaluation being connected to the investigation, you quote Walt Keller, the George Washington of Malibu, as saying, “it’s unrelated to the investigation.” Are you calling him a liar, Arnold? After all, he was in the closed session, not you. Where are you getting your information, I wonder? Could it be or is it possible that you are defending the leak of your inside information.

    In regard to the Independent Prosecutor, Ms. Hogin herself withdrew the request for him saying she was unhappy with his proposal. It had nothing to do with the City Council. She has now been on this for 10 months.

    I applaud you for supporting our local Kenneth Starr and think perhaps you should start a new campaign to make her Dean of Pepperdine.

    Gene Wood