Volunteers needed for Point Dume Nature Preserve weeding day 

On Wed, Aug. 9, members of Poison Free Malibu and CA State Parks representatives gathered at the Point Dume Natural Preserve to remove poisonous weeds. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT.

Get your hands dirty and feel good doing your part! This event held every second Wednesday of the month is to remove invasive plant species by hand-pulling. Bring gardening gloves, water, a hat, and sunscreen! Parking available at Point Dume Entrance (Limited two-hour free parking), Westward Beach County Parking Lot (hourly rate), and Westward Beach Road (free). To sign up visit, https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E49A9AD2FAB9-monthly1?useFullSite=true#/

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