Topanga Lagoon Restoration Project public meeting set for Aug. 5


Members of the public can review the proposed Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Topanga Lagoon Restoration Project from July 15 through Aug. 13. The proposed FEIR identifies the range of closely related alternatives considered for the project, as well as the preferred alternative. 

The preferred alternative, which was selected after receipt of extensive public, agency, and land manager feedback, calls for the restoration of Topanga Lagoon and up to 15 units of the historic Topanga Ranch Motel. The project will not onlyprotect two critically endangered fish and associated habitats but will improve coastal access and visitor services, while providing for more resilient beach areas. 

Join The Virtual Meeting on Aug. 5, 6 p.m.

This restoration project seeks to preserve and expand the unique biological, cultural and recreational resources of Topanga Lagoon. The lagoon is a natural filtration system and stormwater buffer, and hosts rare and endangered species. The project also aims to create an integrated program for coastal access, emergency response and interpretation, andproactively address the effects of sea level rise.

To learn more about the project and for updates on how you can participate, please visit