The Malibu Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution

The Malibu Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution photo courtesy.

At their June meeting, the Malibu Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution hosted local, best-selling author, Lisa See. Ms. See spoke about her Chinese-American family’s nearly 170 year history in Los Angeles, as chronicled in her best-selling book, On Gold Mountain. The Malibu Chapter also collected and donated $1,500 worth of new clothing and gift cards for gas, groceries, and fast food for homeless U.S. veterans. In the photo from left to right are: Front row, Ellen Kehr, Ali Larsen, Vicki Gutteridge, Kathy Checchi, Regent Anne Kaufman, Vice Regent Beth Grimes, Special Guest Lisa See, Barbara Casey, and Linda Bell. Back row, Kim Lucas, Mary Hand, Lori Downe, Sally Morales, Carolyn Carradine, Pat Nolan, Ann DeMartini, and Lori Miller.