The following incidents were reported between Nov. 8 to Nov. 11


Retail Burglary
The Fred Segal retail store in Malibu was broken into, and an estimated $1,311 in merchandise was stolen. The victim found numerous empty hangers around the store and realized the clothing was missing. The suspects were seen on video placing the merchandise underneath their clothing and walking out of the store without paying. The security footage was submitted for evidence.

A guest house on Sea Vista Drive was broken into and ransacked. The victim was notified of the security camera that captured footage of the suspects entering their home. The shattered glass door was estimated to cost $3,000 to repair. The victim said the drawers and cabinets were left opened as they were looking for valuables.  The security footage shows two suspects walking around the house. The victim is unsure about anything that is missing. 

Grand Theft
A black Range Rover worth $60,000 was stolen from a driveway on Malibu Road. The security footage captured a woman wearing a burgundy hoodie, enter the vehicle and drive eastbound and out of view on Malibu Road.  The deputies said they will be asking the neighbors for their security footage to gather more information on the incident.

A rented BMW was vandalized and the damage was estimated to cost $600. The victim said they parked the vehicle inside the garage and when they returned the following day, they saw multiple scratches on the hood, truck and all four quarter panels of the vehicle. The victim said they would provide security footage of the incident.