The following incidents were reported between June 13 to June 16


The following incidents were reported between June 13 to June 16

Grand Theft
An estimated $1,176 worth of alcohol was stolen from Whole Foods on Cross Creek Road. The store manager said the suspect was wearing a baseball hat, surgical mask, and a yellow construction vest. The suspect placed various bottles of wines in the cart and passed the registers without paying.

Grand Theft
An estimated $3,168 worth of shampoo and conditioner were stolen from the CVS Pharmacy on Malibu Road. The suspect was seen placing multiple bottles of shampoo in a tote and walked quickly out of the store without paying. The suspect was seen driving off in a Black LandRover.

A vehicle parked near Nicolas Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim placed the key on top of the rear tire before going surfing, and upon return, the key was missing, and their vehicle was ransacked. The victim was received a notification of an unauthorized purchase of $28,000 made at the Apple Store at the Topanga Mall in Woodland Hills. The victim said the suspect attempted to use their card at a Nordstrom Rack in Woodland Hills for a total of $4,000 but was denied.