The following incidents were reported between June 12 to June 22


A home on Cavalleri Road was ransacked, and a designer watch worth $2,000 was stolen. The victim said she reviewed her security cameras and saw two white males enter her property and were seen going through her belongings. The victim noticed her designer watch was stolen from her closet. The victim notice several jewelry pieces also stolen. The victim was unsure how many pieces were taken.

Surfrider Beach
A vehicle parked near Surfrider Beach was broken into and an iPhone wallet and sunglasses were stolen. The victim left the key in the lock box and put it underneath the rear bumper; however, upon return, the box was  forcibly removed and their vehicle was ransacked. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Vehicle burglary
A vehicle parked near the Malibu Pier was broken into an iPhone and wallet were stolen. The victim said they hid the key nearby the vehicle, went surfing, and upon return the key was missing and their vehicle was ransacked. The victim received notifications of multiple purchases being made in Santa Monica. One at an Apple store for $1,542, one at a Nike store for $712, and one at an Urban Outfitters for $588. There were no security cameras available for evidence. 

A vehicle parked on PCH was broken into and ransacked. The victim noticed the front rear window was broken and her purse was missing from underneath the seat. The damage was estimated to cost $200. The victims purse was worth $200 and the wallet was worth $100. There were no security cameras available for evidence.