The following incidents were reported between July 22 and July 31



Double vandalism

Two empty rental properties on Grayfox Street were broken into and an estimated $12,160 worth of property was damaged. The victim said the last time she was at the properties was in June. There were no security cameras available for evidence.


Vandalized property

The Los Angeles lifeguards headquarters garage near Westward Beach Road was broken into and vandalized. Deputies were notified by a lifeguard who noticed the door was ajar and the shattered glass. The victim said nothing appeared to be missing or damaged. There were no security cameras available for evidence.


Grand theft auto

A catalytic converter worth $1,000 was stolen from a vehicle parked near El Pescador Beach. There were no security cameras available for evidence.


Vehicle burglary

A vehicle parked near Leo Carrillo State Beach was broken into and the window was shattered. The victim said all their personal belongings were accounted for such as phone, wallet and credit cards, but $200 worth of clothing was stolen. The window was estimated to cost $400 to repair.


Credit card theft

A vehicle parked near Paradise Cove Beach was broken into and the window was shattered. Multiple credits were taken and the victim said they received multiple notifications of them being used around Malibu such as Starbucks, a Chevron gas station and a Smoke Shop totaling $605. There were no security cameras available near the parking lot that captured the incident.