The following incidents were reported between April 26 and May 1




A safe with an estimated $14,000 was stolen from Ollo restaurant and bar on Malibu Road. The victim said they opened the restaurant in the morning and saw shattered glass at the entrance of the restaurant and notified the store owner of the break-in. The damage was estimated to cost $9,000 to repair. There was security footage that captured the incident, but the victim was unable to access the footage during the time the incident was being reported. 



A designer bag worth $300 was stolen from a vehicle parked near El Matador State Beach. The victim’s sunglasses were also stolen. The victim went to the beach and upon return the passenger window was shattered and her vehicle was ransacked. 


Grand Theft

A bronze statue of a girl sitting on a bench was stolen from a property in Malibu. The victim said the statue was located at the entrance of his property. There was no other damage made to the fence or property.


Vehicle Burglary

A vehicle parked near Cross Creek Road was broken into and ransacked. The victim was at work and was notified by a coworker who noticed the shattered glass on the floor. The victim’s vehicle registration and insurance card was missing. There were no security cameras available for evidence. 


Grand Theft

An estimated $6,845 worth of camera equipment was stolen from a vehicle parked on Puerco Canyon Road. There was no other damage made to the vehicle. There were no security cameras available for evidence. 


Vehicle burglary

A vehicle parked near Topanga State Beach was broken into and $2,729 worth of miscellaneous items were stolen from the vehicle. The victim hid the key under a towel at the beach, went surfing and upon return the key fob was missing and his vehicle was ransacked.