The following incidents were reported between April 23 to April 28


The following incidents were reported between April 23 to April 28


Grand Theft

A custom surfboard worth $1,200 was stolen from a property on Sequit Drive. The victim said they say saw a male suspect walk past their vehicle and take the surfboard from the victim’s vehicle. The suspect was described from the ages between 40-50 years old, with short blonde hair, wearing a black T-shirt and brown shorts. The video was submitted for evidence.



A vehicle parked near Mastro’s Ocean Club was broken into and the window was shattered. The window was estimated to cost $500 to repair.



A vehicle parked near Surfrider Beach was broken into and an iPhone, wallet and $50 in cash was stolen. The victim said they left the key underneath the front rear tire, went surfing, and upon return, the key was missing and their vehicle was ransacked. The victim said an estimated $30,000 was charged to the credit cards at a Nordstrom and Apple Store. There were no security cameras available for evidence. 



A property on Paseo Portola was broken into, and $500 in cash was stolen. The victims sliding door was shattered and estimated to cost $1,500 to repair.


Grand Theft

A catalytic converter worth $1,500 was stolen from a Blue Honda Accord parked on Las Flores Canyon. There were no security cameras available for evidence.