Stoker family honors the Beach Team

Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff's Capt. Jennifer Seetoo is shown with Dermot Stoker, who hosts the annual Beach Team gratitude party. Seetoo is holding one of the Beach Patrol towels, an annual giveaway from Stoker. Photo by Julie Ellerton/TMT.

By Dermot Stoker

Special to The Malibu Times

For the 27th year, the Stoker family hosted a barbecue to show its gratitude to the Beach Team for the outstanding job they are doing enforcing the rules at Zuma Beach and and the pocket beaches that also get periodic surveillance. 

The family became active in supporting the Beach Team in 1995, when a discussion took place at a City Council meeting to discontinue the funding for the Sheriff’s Department squad responsible for monitoring the beaches throughout Malibu. 

The main focus was on Zuma Beach, where the greatest number of visitors assemble. The idea of eliminating this valuable group of deputies was met with plenty of opposition. The issue was addressed at the next City Council meeting, where the funds necessary were allocated by various means, and a vote taken to continue the enforcement at Zuma Beach by the Beach Team. 

The fact that the Beach Team can observe beach visitors, and monitor the consumption of alcohol and drug use is deemed significant. The population that considers Zuma Beach its home knows the Beach Team will write citations for consuming adult beverages on this huge beach area — it’s the out-of-town visitors that don’t know the rules, “no alcohol” chief among them. If the area was not controlled and citations written, the number of fatal traffic accidents along the Pacific Coast Highway would increase exponentially. 

The Beach Team has proven time and again how valuable they are to the residents, and visitors alike. Captain Jennifer Seetoo, has been very supportive, and knows how valuable the Beach Team is throughout the summer months. 

The Beach Team is family. The barbecue is one small but meaningful gesture to show our gratitude for their dedication and service to the Malibu Community.