Public Works Commission reviews Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan

On PCH between Guernsey Avenue and Trancas Canyon Road, signs have been posted in the construction zone and the speed limit has been reduced to 30 MPH. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT.

Don Maclay welcomed as commissioner and report received on landslide maintenance districts

The Public Works Commission held its monthly meeting and received an update on the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2023-2028 and an update and file report on City’s Landslide Maintenance Districts.

To start off the meeting, Don Maclay was welcomed to the panel and Commissioner Scott Dittrich was nominated as chair and Jo Drummond as vice chair.

Public Works Director Rob DeBoux provided an update on the storm conditions and an update on the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2023-2028.

Commissioner Mica Belzberg raised her concern on the Trancas Creek Bridge project and asked if Caltrans can re-strip the lanes. 

“The lanes are really challenging to see, I live down there and it’s really, really bad,” Belzberg said. “That’s the least they can do, re-strip the lanes and there’s people riding their bikes and there’s just a lot going on.” 

On PCH between Guernsey Avenue and Trancas Canyon Road, signs have been posted in the construction zone and the speed limit has been reduced to 30 MPH.

Motorists, pedestrians and cyclists are advised to proceed with caution, and watch for vehicles, equipment staging. 

The two 12-foot traffic lanes, bike lanes, separate pedestrian lanes and 10-foot shoulders on both sides. North and southbound traffic will be separated by a 6-foot median. Completion was originally scheduled for summer 2024.

DeBoux said he’s constantly asking Caltrans to re-stripe the lanes and will be meeting with Caltrans to address those concerns.

07 TrancasConstruction SamBravo 1
On PCH between Guernsey Avenue and Trancas Canyon Road, signs have been posted in the construction zone and the speed limit has been reduced to 30 MPH.Motorists, pedestrians and cyclists are advised to proceed with caution, and watch for vehicles, equipment staging. Photos by Samantha Bravo/TMT.

Drummond asked for an update on the telecommunications tower.

“If we decide to put it on our work plan then the City Council approves it, then it can have that added layer of protection so that way something like the Santa Monica College tower doesn’t happen again,” Drummond said. “I just wanted to know if that would still be a possibility for us to vote on in future meetings.” 

DeBoux said they will discuss the tower during staff assignments in the next commission meeting. 

Belzberg also asked for an update on the permanent skate park and DeBoux said they have been in contact with the Community Service Department and said they have been finalizing the plans and hope to bring them to the planning department sometime in April. 

“That’s an exciting project and we’re looking forward to get that one going,” DeBoux said. 

DeBoux provided an update on the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2023-2028 and asked the commission for any additional proposed projects they can work on.

Big Rock Drive Pedestrian Walkway

This project consists of a pedestrian walkway along Big Rock Drive allowing residents to walk in their neighborhood safely and children to walk to and from the bus stop at the bottom of Big Rock Drive and Pacific Coast Highway.

Encinal Canyon Road 60-inch Storm Drain Repairs

This project consists of repairing a 60-inch storm drain piping on Encinal Canyon Road. This project was identified as part of the Storm Drain Master Plan.

Las Flores Canyon Road Drainage Improvements

This project includes repairing the drainage on Las Flores Canyon Road.

Citywide Asphalt Concrete Berms Repairs

This project will include repairing asphalt concrete berms throughout the city limits.

Charmlee Park Renovations

This project consists of replacing the Nature Center’s roll-up door, windows, and roof.

Legacy Park Renovations

This project will consist of refurbishing the wooden benches and repainting the metal arbors.

Bluffs and Equestrian Park Roof Replacement Project

This project will consists of replacing existing roofs at the Michael Landon Center at Bluffs Park, and at the Equestrian Park.

Legacy Park Irrigation Renovations

This project will consist of renovating the existing irrigation system at Malibu Legacy Park. The project will also consist of connecting the recycled waterline to a portion of the irrigation system.

The commission moved on to receive an update on the landslide maintenance assessments districts. 

The city manages the maintenance and monitoring of three (3) landslide assessment districts: Big Rock, Calle Del Barco and Malibu Road. These landslide assessment districts contain various groundwater dewatering equipment, monitoring equipment, and maintenance and reporting activities that contribute to the stability of the existing landslide areas.

The city’s maintenance and monitoring consultant, Yeh and Associates, recently completed the Geologist Annual Report for each landslide district and will update the Commission on the following items:

• Ongoing maintenance and monitoring activities that were included in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Geologist Annual Report.

• Capital Improvement projects proposed in the current fiscal year.

• Rainfall data, groundwater levels, dewatering production, and slope inclinometer

interpretations from recent storm events.

The Annual Geologist Annual Reports for all three (3) landslide districts are posted and available to view on the city’s website at

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 22.