Planning Commission asks the Coastal Commission for a sea-level rise update


Community raises concerns for the Sunday car show madness

Speeding on PCH, fatalities, and landslides were some of the concerns discussed among commissioners during the planning commission meeting on Feb, 7 and said safety in Malibu must be prioritized. 

“I think in terms of raising awareness, there’s just something really on the next level happening on PCH,” Planning Commission Chair Kraig Kill said.

Hill said the typical speed in front of Moonshadows restaurant is 55-65 miles an hour which is normal, but he mentioned that there have been three deaths in the last month within a half-mile of Big Rock. 

“We need CHP back in the mix or something, this is for council, but I think we need to be making some noise about this because it seems like there’s been a shift in enforcement level,” Hill said.

Speaker Jo Drummond said there has been a lack of geological study being made for planning projects.

Speaker Norman Haynie said the concerns in sea level rise and the tectonic movement of the land needs to be addressed by the coastal commission. 

Lauren Doyel said sea level rise has been on their agenda for six months. 

“About every 4 to 6 weeks, we have coastal commission meetings,” Doyel said. “We remain at the commission and city councils to meet with them.

Commissioner John Mazza said the car show on Sundays has been causing traffic and making it difficult to enter the intersection of Civic Center on PCH.

“I just want the planning department to do whatever they’re supposed to do about this,” Mazza said.

Commissioner Dennis Smith agreed with Mazza about the non-local visitors participating in the car shows and not leaving at 10 a.m. when the shopping center opens.

“It’s more than convenience; it’s our town,” Mazza said.

Planning Director Richard Mollica said it’s not the planning commission’s responsibility to be held accountable for these events and said it’s a vehicle violation which is handled by the Sheriff’s Department.

“In this case, when it comes to the car shows, we put all the property owners on notice, and we did count those as events, that counted towards their maximum temporary use permits; we already followed up with them; if it happens again, we will follow up with the proper owners again,” Mollica said. 

Assistant City Attorney Trevor Rusin said he has been meeting with the property owners, and some have added additional security, but the Sheriff are in control of addressing the issue.

The first item on the agenda was an administrative Coastal Development Permit No. 20-069. An application for the construction of a new single-family residence and associated development.

Architect Lester Tobias was upset the commission did not provide a proper time in advance in regards to an issue the commission pointed out with the proposal project. 

“I get an email around 4 o’clock about shrubs and fences on my project that is being heard in two hours, I’m sorry if there was an oversight about the fences and shrubs, but this notice and this decision has been in the public for nearly two weeks, I’m kind of wondering why no one has said anything to me until two hours before the meeting, you all have my number,” Tobias said. “It sounds like I have to present and defend this project.”

The commission motioned to receive and file the proposal project 3-1 with Hill opposed to partial approval of the proposal. 

Four of the Woolsey Fire permit extension requests were approved by the commission. 

One of the projects had a code violation, and applicant Joseph Lezama requested a year extension for resident Claire Wexler. The commission motioned to continue the item for the following meeting.