Photo submission: The 5th Annual Malibu Dad’s Holiday Get Together

The 5th Annual Malibu Dad’s Holiday Get-Together was held at Malibu Brewing Co on Sunday, Dec. 11. Around 50 Malibu dads attended. The event benefitted the Malibu High and Malibu Middle School Shark Fund, which helps fund art, music and athletic programs. The event was organized and hosted by John White and Steve Clarke. Photo by Steve Clarke.

The 5th Annual Malibu Dad’s Holiday Get-Together was held at Malibu Brewing Co on Sunday, Dec. 11. Around 50 Malibu dads attended. The event benefitted the Malibu High and Malibu Middle School Shark Fund, which helps fund art, music and athletic programs. The event was organized and hosted by John White and Steve Clarke. Photo by Steve Clarke.

The event raised around $5k for the Malibu High School and Malibu Middle School Shark Fund. Two very generous, anonymous donors matched with $1k contributions each. The event will be benefitting the Shark Fund in future years as well.

To donate to the Shark Fund visit:

The 5th Annual Malibu Dad’s Holiday Get-Together was held at Malibu Brewing Co on Sunday, Dec. 11. Around 50 Malibu dads attended. The event benefitted the Malibu High and Malibu Middle School Shark Fund, which helps fund art, music and athletic programs. The event was organized and hosted by John White and Steve Clarke. Photo by Steve Clarke.